Sep 15, 2022 | Rommel H. Ojeda

List of Latin-American Consulates in New York City

To see useful information for immigrants, such as food or legal representation, check out our Master Resource Guide.

Here is a list of Latin American Consulates in New York City, along with their contact information, official pages, and considerations one should have when contacting them. Most of the consulates require an appointment in advance to process certain documents, such as passports, but there are exceptions where walk-ins are welcome. It is highly recommended to check out the official webpage (or Facebook page, in some cases) to learn more about the consulate you plan to visit. 

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Additionally, due to the delays, some consulates may not have appointments available immediately. Sometimes it may take months to get an appointment. If you had problems scheduling an appointment please emails us at rommel.ojeda@documentedny.com

Keep in mind that: most consulates have a direct contact for “emergency” situations. For example, if you need your passport for an immigration court hearing, your consulate should be able to expedite your request. A lawyer’s letter might be needed. 

Also read: IDNYC– Municipal Identification for NYC residents


Website | Twitter | Facebook

Emergency contact: (917) 459-2143 | Email: emergenciasnuy@sre.gob 


Facebook | Email: emergenciaconsuladony@gmail.com 

Note: as of date of publication, the official website was not online


Website | Facebook | Email: consnewyork@minex.gob.gt

24/7 Hotline: 1 (844)-805-1011

Emergency contact: (917) 406-5269

El Salvador

Website | Facebook| Email: consuladonyc@rree.gob.sv

Phone number: 1-888-301-1130

Note: to schedule an appointment, you will need to create an account using your email address. Be sure to verify all your personal details while you create your account. 


Website |  Phone: 212-986-6562 | Email: consulnica@aol.com 

Emergency Contact: 929-331-7375


Official Consulate Website

Queens: Ecuador Consulate in Queens | T: 718-651-8797 |  Twitter

Manhattan: Ecuador Consulate in Manhattan. | T: 212-808-0170 | Twitter

Note: you can schedule an appointment in any of the preferred locations.


Website | Facebook | T: 646-735-3901 | Twitter

You can also contact them based on the type of processing needed:

Dni: (646) 503-6934 dni@conperny.org

Passports: (646) 503-6932 pasaportes@conperny.org 

Affidavits: legal@conperny.org 

Notaries: notariales@conperny.org 

Registry:  registrociviles@conperny.org

Visas: 646-503-6935 visas@conperny.org


Website | Facebook | Email: cnuevayork@cancilleria.gov.co

Phone Number: (212) 798-9000


WebsiteFacebook | Twitter

Phone number: 212-603-0400 | Email: informes@cnyor.com


Facebook | Email: cgchileny.newyork@minrel.gob.cl

Phone number:  212-980-3706

Additional email address based on type of service needed:


Cgchileny.visas@minrel.gob.cl (VISAS)

Cgchileny.poderes@minrel.gob.cl (Power of Attorney)

Cgchile.pasaportes@minrel.gob.cl (Passports)

República Dominicana

WebsiteFacebook | Twitter

Phone: 212-768-2480 | Email: ehernandez@consuladord-ny.org 


Website | Facebook

Email: secretariaparny@gmail.com | Phone: 212 – 682 9440/41/42

Note: you can also send them a message via WhatsApp: 347 260 0013


Website | Facebook | Twitter

Phone: 1 212 753 8191 | Email: cgnuevayork@mrree.gub.uy


Website | Facebook | Telefono de emergencia: 1 202 286 3122

Email: info@boliviany.org | T: 212 687-0530

Costa Rica

Facebook Page | Phone: (646) 933-1035

Email: concr-us-ny@rree.go.cr


Website | Facebook

Phone: (212) 840-2450 | Email: info@nyconsul.com


Website | Consular services: (646) 403 2676

24 Hour Emergency Hotline: (917) 943 7155 

Email: emub.novayork@itamaraty.gov.br

Also read: What is a REAL ID and how to get one?

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